New Jersey Library Trustee Association Bylaws



This corporation shall be called the New Jersey Library Trustee Association.

(Referred to as NJLTA or the Association).

This Association is incorporated in the State of New Jersey as a non-profit

organization pursuant to N.J.R.S. 15A.


2.1 - To afford Library Trustees around the state and from different types of libraries (association, county, municipal) the opportunity to work together to promote library services in New Jersey.

2.2 - To educate and inspire Trustees to become more effective in their functions and

responsibilities as formulators of library policies.

2.3 - To advocate and strengthen the link among libraries, public officials and the general public.

2.4 - To provide the opportunity to exchange ideas on the roles and responsibilities of the Library Trustee.

 2.5 - To encourage cooperation between library organizations in New Jersey.

 2.6 - To devote all monies accruing to the Association for these purposes.


3.1 - Any individual who is a current Library Trustee/Commissioner or a former NJLTA Executive Board Member and subscribes to the purposes of the Association as stated in Article 2 is eligible to become a member of the Association upon payment of the prescribed dues.

 3.2 - The membership year will coincide with the calendar year.


4.1 - The rate of dues shall be approved by the Executive Board.

4.2 - The Treasurer or other member of the Executive Board shall communicate annually by email, or regular mail to Presidents, Boards of Trustees and to the Library Directors of Public Libraries, a statement of the annual dues for the ensuing year. Such dues shall be payable on receipt of the Statement.


5.1 The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The President, Vice President and Treasurer must currently be serving as library trustees. The Secretary may be a current or former trustee.

5.2. - The terms of officers shall be two (2) years. There shall be no limitation of the number of terms.

 6.1 - The Executive Board shall be composed of the officers and members-at-large. All
Past Presidents of the Association are ex-officio members of the Executive Board without the right to vote.

6.2 - There shall be up to seven (7) members-at-large on the Executive Board. Members-at-large will serve for three-year terms, Terms shall be staggered with no more than three (3) members-at-large being elected each year.  There shall be no limitation of the number of terms.

6.3 - An Executive Board member absent without cause from two (2) consecutive regularly scheduled executive board meetings may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

6.4 - The Executive Board is empowered to fill any vacancy on the Executive Board due to death, resignation or other cause, by election of the Executive Board for the unexpired term. Interim appointees must be qualified pursuant to Article 10.3.

6.5 - The Executive Board shall be empowered to act for the Association between meetings of the Association.

6.6 - All members of the Executive Board shall serve without compensation. However, when conducting NJLTA business, members of the executive board shall be reimbursed for travel and other out-of-pocket expenses.

6.7 - The Executive Board may contract for service to facilitate the administrative work of the Association.


 7.1 - There shall be one general meeting of the Association each year that may be virtual or in person. The meetings shall be at such a time and place as the Executive Board may determine. This meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Association.

7.2 - Other meetings of the Association may be called by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, whenever necessary for the good of the Association.

7.3 -The members present will constitute a quorum of NJLTA for the transaction of business at Association meetings. The act of the majority of members at an Association meeting at which a quorum is present will be the act of that body.

7.4 - The meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition.

7.5 - The New Jersey State Librarian and the Executive Director of the New Jersey Library Association, or their appointed representatives, shall be invited to the Annual Meeting of the Association.


 8.1 - The Executive Board shall hold a minimum of four (4) meetings a year, scheduled by the President with the concurrence of the Executive Board. The meeting schedule will be posted on the NJLTA website (

8.2 - A special meeting of the Executive Board may be called by the President, or by the Secretary upon petition by any four (4) members of the Executive Board.

8.3 - For meetings of the Executive Board, a quorum shall consist of a majority of Executive Board members, two of whom must be officers.

8.4 - The New Jersey State Librarian and the Executive Director of the New Jersey Library Association, or their appointed representatives, shall be regularly invited to the Executive Board meetings.

8.5 - The meetings of the Executive Board shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition.


9.1 - The President of the Association will appoint the following Standing Committees: Nominating and Finance. The committees will consist of a Chairperson, and no fewer than two (2) other members to serve for a term of one year.

9.2 - Special committees may be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.

9.3 - All committees shall submit their recommendations to the Executive Board.

9.4 - The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.


10.1 - The Nominating Committee shall nominate one candidate for each office specified in Article 5.

 10.2 - Candidates for officers (with the exception of the secretary) shall be a current member of a local library board, and have at least three (3) years of experience on that local library board.

 10.3 - The Nominating Committee shall nominate candidates for members-at large as specified in Article 6. Candidates for members-at-large shall be current members of the Association.

10.4 - The recommendations of the Nominating Committee for officers and members-at-large shall be posted on the NJLTA website ( as part of the notice of the Annual Meeting.

 10.5 - Other nominations may be made at the Annual Meeting.

 10.6 - Members of the Executive Board shall be elected at an Annual Meeting in accordance with Articles 5.2 and 6.2.

10.7 - The newly elected officers and members at large shall assume office on January 1 of the year following their election or immediately if they are filling an unexpired or unfilled term.


11.1 - The management of finances accruing to the Association shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board.

11.2 - Only the Executive Board shall have the power to incur expenses in the name of the Association, and the Treasurer shall make payment, and report to the Executive Board.

11.3 - All checks over $3,000.00 issued for payment from the Association treasury shall require a minimum of two signatures of officers. Checks under $3,000.00 may be signed by the Treasurer only.

 11.4 - The Treasurer of the Association shall be bonded.

11.5 - The fiscal year of the Association shall coincide with the calendar year.

11.6 - The financial records shall be audited annually by an independent accounting firm retained by the Executive Board.


12.1 - The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at the Annual Meeting of the Association. Notice of the proposal to amend will be posted on the NJLTA website ( at least fifteen(15) days prior to the Annual Meeting.

12.2 - Any member may recommend a change in the bylaws, in writing, to the Executive Board for consideration. The Executive Board shall notify such members of the findings of the Executive Board on the recommendation within four (4) months.

 12.3 - Amendments will take effect immediately.


13.1 - The Association may be dissolved at any time by the written consent of not less than ⅔ of the current paid members in good standing.

13.2 - Upon the dissolution or other termination of the Association, no part of the property of the Association or any of the proceeds shall be distributed or inure to the benefit of any of the members of the Association. All such property and proceeds, after the payment of valid obligations of the Association, shall be distributed as directed by the Executive Board to any one or more corporations, trusts, or foundations organized for the support of libraries, provided that any such payments shall follow the statutes and regulations governing exempt organizations formed under Section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)6 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Revised July 2020

Approved October 2020

Approved November 16, 2024