NJLTA Executive Board Meeting, March 8th
Open to all members. The zoom link will be provided at a later date.
Open to all members. The zoom link will be provided at a later date.
In January 2024 there was a bill introduced to create a law against book banning in NJ - The Freedom to Read bill, S2421 and A3446 sponsored by Senator Andrew Zwicker (LD16), Senator Teresa Ruiz (LD29) and Assemblywoman Mitchelle Drulis (LD16).
NJLA offered a program on the “Johnson Act” which explains how libraries can increase funding through a referendum. The video is available at:
Video: https://youtu.be/HfJMDDZcpvw?si=z0VNNbQoDvbnLogD
Individual presentations can be found below.
September 2024 Director and Trustee Training on Sustainability. Pat, Michele and Bob will be joined by Brett Bonfield, executive director of NJLA, and Mary Sudiak, president of the NJLA nmembers that will accelerate work in New Jersey’s libraries to build communities that will thrive when faced with the challenges of climate change.
NJLA is collecting data on book sanctuaries.
Jennie Pu and Jerome Abernathy from the Hoboken Public Library talked with us about book sanctuaries and how they turned their library into a book sanctuary.
Recording available: June 2024 Director and Trustee training on Book Sanctuaries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhBNnMwk1PY&ab_channel=TheNJStateLibrary
The New Library Trustee Virtual Orientation is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGDsEV0CGGk&ab_channel=TheNJStateLibrary